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Archive for the ‘Career’ Category

Today I went to pick up some visiting guys from China, and they came here for a series of transportation projects contracts with McTrans, TTI,, my Univ, etc.
Eventually i got the chance to talk to Mr. Guan from Beijing STONE ITS. We talked about the career in transportation field for overseas students. He agreed on my choice for choosing a small company as a start to build up wide knowledge. I expressed my interest on going back to China to see what I can do after a number of years working here, and he said sea turtles are doing great in transportation field in China and you better catch it up!
Also, I got to know a great company, a real-time traffic information provider in the US. hit NASDAQ on Jan, 2006. Although it’s stock price dropped from the initial $12 to the current $5, I firmly believe that it’s a great idea to have a integrated traffic data platform for national use. And I believe the prospective scene would be satisfying. It is planning to expand its bunisess to China as well as other countries.
The current Alexa traffic rank for is 8548, as of 5/05/06. I’ll keep an eye on it. You need people to click your webpages to raise the stock price man! And it needs to grow real fast before the IT tycoons like Google steps into!
My current plan is that, work for the small company TEC for a couple of years, then try a company like for another couple of years, and then try to see what I can do in China. It’d be after 2010 though.
I need to tell myself that look ahead when you work!
2 things need to improve right after working: Engineering statistics, Finance knowledge
It’s just the beginning of study when you are out of school.

  • Howard Liu: 来自非牌手的评价,是最真实的。不再此山中,有时才能看清庐山真面目
  • Liya: 我觉得关键在于能不能理性的对待这个问题。赌徒赌棍倾家荡产自杀是因为自己心里没数。心里有数了,就理所当
  • sidekick: 希望也可以列出原文的出處及作者名. 原作者看到會好欣慰的!