Managing Your Mind

Archive for 11月 2009







学习单词: arson 纵火罪

———————摘自 OU Daily———————
OU staff member charged in connection to the Chemistry Building fires

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

OU staff member Susan Lauterbach is charged with three counts of arson of the Physical Sciences Center. Photo provided.

An OU staff member has been charged with three counts of
first-degree arson in relation to three small fires that occurred in
the Chemistry Building earlier this semester.

Susan Lauterbach, coordinator of instructional labs and facility
safety for the OU chemistry and biochemistry department, was charged
with three counts of arson after she allegedly attempted starting fires
in the Chemistry Building and the Chemistry Annex Sept. 8, 10 and 11,
Cleveland County District Court documents stated.

“It was learned through the course of this investigation that
Lauterbach’s lack of interpersonal skills had been specifically
criticized and noted during her personnel evaluation and through
statements from other supervisors and co-workers,” OU fire marshal
Kevin Leach stated in a probable cause affidavit. “Lauterbach had a
personal dislike for her supervisor, Robert Houser, and believed him to
be an adversary.”

Leach states Lauterbach sent an e-mail to a colleague that seemed questionable in how she felt towards Houser.

“I’m not fighting with him anymore,” Lauterbach states. “If the building burns, it’s not my problem.”

Lauterbach has been on administrative leave since mid-September and
will remain so until the case is resolved, OU spokesman Jay Doyle
stated in an e-mail.

Leach later states Lauterbach was angry with the Chemistry
Department for not including her in conversations regarding the
installation of security cameras in the Chemistry buildings. Lauterbach
also felt she was unappreciated, under compensated and her authority
had been downgraded, he stated.

“Control of the budget for the Instructional Labs had been taken
away from [her],” he stated. “Lauterbach had become upset with how
changes were occurring in the Chemistry Department and her role in the
decision making process.”

While OU officials investigated the fire on Sept. 11, Lauterbach
attempted to interfere with the investigation, according to the

“Lauterbach was a disgruntled employee that was looking for other employment,” Leach stated.

According to the affidavit, the fire in room 326 of the Chemistry Annex on Sept. 8 was found to be intentionally set.

“I have determined that the fire was intentionally set by igniting
paper towels inside a locked Teaching Assistant closet located inside a
secured room…,” Leach stated. “I… determined the fire to be willful
and malicious, based upon its nature, elimination of other accidental
heat sources and circumstances associated with this investigation.”

According to the affidavit, the damages in the first fire are estimated to be valued at $13,000.

Lauterbach cleaned up room 326, and later requested extra
compensation for her work in the room. She was denied extra
compensation, the affidavit stated.

The fire allegedly set by Lauterbach Sept. 10 took place in room 304
of the Chemistry Building. The third fire occurred in room 115 of the
Chemistry Annex.

According to the affidavit, Lauterbach allegedly found a recycling
bin, threw flammable material in each and then lit the bin on fire with
a match.

Leach stated Lauterbach allegedly would light the fire, walk away
and when asked to investigate the odor of a fire, would blame the smell
of smoke on the Sept. 8 fire.

Lauterbach also would allegedly find ways to delay her arrival to the scene of a potential fire to investigate.

Lauterbach’s first hearing is yet to be scheduled.

  • Howard Liu: 来自非牌手的评价,是最真实的。不再此山中,有时才能看清庐山真面目
  • Liya: 我觉得关键在于能不能理性的对待这个问题。赌徒赌棍倾家荡产自杀是因为自己心里没数。心里有数了,就理所当
  • sidekick: 希望也可以列出原文的出處及作者名. 原作者看到會好欣慰的!