Managing Your Mind

Archive for 5月 2006

Lu ming chun: Chinese cuisine
Edwards: Davinci Code, popcorn and coke, looking for 2nd movie and failed 🙂
Car-hunting: get a car for Helen. Best luck to charlie
Dong’s talk: The past and future 100 years in Transportation. First time to know Dong’s real talky
Basketball & Tennis: 2 games basketball, both lost. But we lost with glory. 🙂
Zong Zi & Huntun: nice food at my apartment
Dinner: Beer, Zongzi, Grapes, Huntun, Pai huanggua, huashengmi, and others…
Go to Dong’s blog for picutres
今年的H1-B太恐怖了,前几天还有一半名额呢,今天就可能已经用完了,一天3300个申请者! 分特丫分特!
这点做的不太仗义。平生头一回。买的时候就明知要退。。。 总共退了一个帐篷,两个顶篷,两个灯,和一个cooler。推着一大车的东东去退货,真是窘啊!! 
老汉皮肤太敏感,一晒就暴黑,汗! 玩的时候受到大家无数耻笑。可是完了以后老汉这一层黑皮却是没有一点晒伤,开始嘲笑没黑却晒成煮螃蟹色+水泡的哥们,暴汗!
老板发biao了,写daily report! 叫你丫再TM玩!
4. 结算=预算
5. 中伊友好
6. 永远的SPI
7. Berim, Asb Savari!
docharkhe, docharkhe, sibile babat micharkhe
总结:人多,地方美,玩的好,吃的香,睡的足,爽的一腿。Couldn’t be better


等不及明天出去玩了。。。。but hold on, here is the list that everybody need to bring but may not be aware:
1. Passport.  My firends went there last year and they were checked passport on their way back.
2. Combs, Slippers, toothbrushes, and other gadgets. The hotels don’t provide those, let alone camping places.
3. Cellphone charger. We don’t wanna get stuck in the middle of nowhere with a dead cellphone …
4. Swimwear. Don’t forget where we are going!
5. A hat and a pair of sunglasses. We don’t wanna get burnt, nor blind.
OK, pack up! Hit the road!
今天又见到了她,聊了一会儿天,才知道她是国内某杂技团的,来美国的LA和Orlando的Disney World演出,现在是空档期,来休斯敦找亲戚玩。我说你是玩什么杂技的?她说是顶碗,钢丝之类的东东。我说怎么不见你肌肉发达啊,呵呵。她说又不是当底座的,不用那么大力量
I will work the ass out of myself, yes, work the ass out of myself
Yes, work the ass out of myself!
Final Headcount: 10
5 guys: Me, Omid, Charlie, Richard, and Dong,
5 gals: Noushin, Shirin, Windy, Chen, and Helen.
Final Transportation: 2 SUVs.
Final Hotel: Best Western Fiesta Isles Hotel, 5701 Padre Blvd, South Padre Island, TX 78597
Final Camping Place: ISLA BLANCA PARK, which is on the southernmost tip of SPI.  Features: Picnic, playground areas, fishing jetty, restaurants and clubs, Sea Ranch Marina, laundry and retail shops.
Estimated Time of Departure (ETD): 11:30 AM, from Houston
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA): 7:00 PM, at SPI, at desired camping place.
想不到Windy打篮球这么好,也很有球队精神! 体力也不错!
Howard + Windy + Helen队凭借人数优势,战胜了Richard + Charile 🙂
It was a great game
Way to go, Windy! Way to go, Helen!

  • Howard Liu: 来自非牌手的评价,是最真实的。不再此山中,有时才能看清庐山真面目
  • Liya: 我觉得关键在于能不能理性的对待这个问题。赌徒赌棍倾家荡产自杀是因为自己心里没数。心里有数了,就理所当
  • sidekick: 希望也可以列出原文的出處及作者名. 原作者看到會好欣慰的!