Managing Your Mind

Archive for 1月 2009




—————————By Wayne Vinson—From CardSharp——————————-

I was listening to the local country
station today, and they happened to play a Toby Keith song where he’s
discussing his semi-pro football career. The lyrics go

Semi-pro always means semi-paid

Which got me to thinking about the economics of athletics in comparison to poker.
Consider football – the odds of going pro there are surprisingly
dismal. Perhaps 1 in 10 high school players who want to play in college
do so. Of those who make that jump, perhaps 1 in 50 of those who want
to go on to the pros make it, That means perhaps 0.2% of those who
start down the pro football road ever see their first pay day. And a
good percentage of those never see much money in the NFL – a few years
of practice squad and league minimum is the most likely result. A few
more find some money in the Canadian or European or other smaller
leagues. But overall, not a cheery prospect.

It should be obvious why this is the case – playing football is
entertaining to do (at least most of the time), and creates little real
value. And almost anyone can do it, at least to some small extent. This
means it’s a popular career with a low barrier to entrance, and that
always drives down pay.  It’s like being in a rock band or being an
actor. All such careers have a very backloaded payout curve – the worst
90%+ get nothing or lose money, most of those who remain make a small
amount of money, and the top fraction of a percent get wealthy.
Football would follow this pattern exactly, except the NCAA prevents
colleges who would like to pay their athletes from doing so (at least
openly). If you consider comped tuition as payment, then it fits

Contrast this with other potential pursuits. Remember that stat
about 90% of new small businesses failing in the first 5 years or
whatever? That means the other 10% don’t – those are WAY better odds
than pro football. Unemployment in the US is about 5% right now – that
means that even most people in the bottom quartile of their salaried
professions are usually employed at any given time. 20:1 odds in favor
of being employed is a hell of a lot better than 500:1 against.

Poker is a lot like football in terms of the economics, and for the
same reasons. Playing poker creates no real value. And anyone with a
buyin can do it. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that the majority
of players loose money, about 10% turn a small profit, and the top
fraction of a percent are quite wealthy. It’s just like any other
career with no barrier to entry and no value creation. So what’s my
point here? Simple – in any career with a backloaded payout curve, only
the very luckiest and very bet get paid. If you’re a highschool
football player considering pushing for the pros, it’s only rational to
ask yourself if you’re in the best 1% – in terms of strength, speed,
agility, correct body type, work ethic, understanding of the game, etc.
If you can’t honestly answer “yes” to that question, you have no
business trying to go pro in football because someone who is in that
top 1% will come along and take your slot. You’ll only disappoint
yourself and waste years of your life. Professional poker is the same.

If you’re not in the top 1% in terms of brains, discipline, social
aptitude, ruthlessness, lack of leaks, understanding of the game and so
forth, going pro will end in disaster at worst, and treading water at
best.  Roughly 10% of the players make money, but making money isn’t
the same as being successful – you have to make enough to have a
comfortable life and still maintain your bankroll.

This is a tricky thing to evaluate – our society isn’t set up to
look for the top 1%. Schools, for example, almost always reward far
more than 1% of the class with an “A” or whatever the top possible
grade is. And outside of sales, very few professions attempt to
distinguish between the merits of their top 5-10% of performers. So
most people aren’t used to evaluating themselves or others not just for
competence, but for unusual greatness. But if you want to make an
intelligent decision about entering one of these backloaded careers,
that’s exactly what you have to do. Some factors are easier to estimate
than others. For example, an score of greater than 135 or so on a well
designed an normalized IQ test would signify top 1% intelligence. Of
course there’s no benefit to using some feal-good IQ test that gives
everyone a score over 100, and everyone who can tie their shoes a score
over 110. That’s just lying to yourself. Using an accurate value is for
your own benefit here. Some of the other traits I named are more
difficult to evaluate, but here’s one example: people with top 1%
discipline have likely never placed a bet with negative expectation in
their entire lives, at least since they learned about positive and
negative expectation bets. No craps, blackjack (unless you were a well
trained counter), roulette, sports or race book (without a well tested
known-profitable system), slots or video poker. People with a top-1%
“lack of leaks” have never touched a drug harder than alcohol, never
drink at the table, have never given a cent to a stripper or hooker,
and have never been suckered out of money by a conman or romantic
interest. You should be able to come up with “tests” for the other
attributes with a little thought.

Now of course you don’t have to be top 1% in every individual
attribute to be a top-1% player overall. A football player who’s top-1%
in terms of speed, agility, and strength for their body type each
measured individually is an enormously rare find and almost certainly
can find employment. However, you can expect that most top-1%
individuals will be at least top quartile in everything, and top-1% or
better than that in at least one thing. In other words, one bad
attribute dooms an otherwise attractive package.

The good news with poker is that being semi-pro and semi-paid is OK.
Converting a little recreation time into a little money is great when
the rent isn’t on the line. And being in the top 10% is enough to make
at least a little money. But if you’re seriously considering going pro,
you need to ask yourself if you’re really in that top 1%. If not, your
prospects as a pro are questionable at best.


  • Howard Liu: 来自非牌手的评价,是最真实的。不再此山中,有时才能看清庐山真面目
  • Liya: 我觉得关键在于能不能理性的对待这个问题。赌徒赌棍倾家荡产自杀是因为自己心里没数。心里有数了,就理所当
  • sidekick: 希望也可以列出原文的出處及作者名. 原作者看到會好欣慰的!