Managing Your Mind

Archive for 7月 2006

There’s been long time before I can laugh the hell out of myself. Pirate Jack’s experience in the man-eating tribe gave me the best laughter of this year.
But this proved I am an movie idiot again. I would mess people up if there were more than 5 charactors in a show. Fortunetely I had somebody explaining to me all the time: OK, this is the bad guy, and that is Beckham-looking guy, and that’s not the pirate, that’s the Beckham-looking guy in another suit…
I used to give this name to lots of my friends, but I totally forgot me and Dean’s hanging-out-at-Bricktown-with-beer-and-fejita until Dean called me …
Got my new car yesterday~~~~
Well, it’s not a new car, just MY new car
’99 Chrysler Sebring JXi Convertible V6
Drove with a friend last night on the country road, feels good~~~ The country road didn’t take me home though.
Go Topless!
I’ll get darker and darker~~~
Saturday will try to fix the A/C blower myself. Now it only blows on High. Don’t want to freeze my little skinny ass off. Need to buy Blower Motor Resistor
BTW: Mr. Guo Yanchao, if you see my spaces, call me. I lost ur phone number and the emails were returned
Reasons to love it:
1. Few people
2. Never need to worry about parking
3. 45 mph on most major streets, 70 mph on most freeways
4. Bricktown
5. Cheap gas (jacking up fast now, $2.85 for unleaded)
6. Cheap Apartment: 2 br under $400. No joking.
7. No Overtime. Everybody goes home after 5:00
8. OU and OSU
Reasons to hate it:
0. Every Single Chinese restaurant is Americanized.
1. Too few people
2. After 9:00 PM, bars and clubs and Walmarts are the only places open
3. State Income Tax. Gotta pay around 5% of gross income
4. Sales tax on everything: apple, potato, and water
5. Too many churches 
6. No Overtime. Everybody goes home after 5:00
7. OU is a bit far, OSU is further.
(will add new items if gets any)
Austin became a place where I have friends of a next-to-Houston number.
You must be Korean.
That’s what a dealer told me when I asked if he has any car good for me and NON-Japanese.
a kinda drug which was taken by a guy who broke into my co-worker’s home
Get the work done, get the life going
So I was late for work! Samsung…. I used to trust you
Do we have to make multi network, and then use "Merge" to combine them one bye one? multi-scenario is an easy solution and it should be found somewhere

  • Howard Liu: 来自非牌手的评价,是最真实的。不再此山中,有时才能看清庐山真面目
  • Liya: 我觉得关键在于能不能理性的对待这个问题。赌徒赌棍倾家荡产自杀是因为自己心里没数。心里有数了,就理所当
  • sidekick: 希望也可以列出原文的出處及作者名. 原作者看到會好欣慰的!