Managing Your Mind

Archive for 4月 2006

About sharing: Do not force her to share, even if you feel it’s a must for every couple. Sharing is important, but if she is not sharing, she has her reasons. Show your respect to her, instead of making her to act your way.
About caring: Caring could also hurt. You probably think you ask her to do things because you care, she may take it another way, such as: u r controlling her life, u r too pushy, or u r arrogant. Caring does not mean you have to tie you two together. Don’t say: all couples do this and do that…  You are not them. Don’t compare.
About jealousness: What if I am jealous? Answer is, pretend that you r not! You are a grown-up, right?
I knew all the principles, but I just can’t keep my temper under control! What do u say about that?
The pastor: Come to know Jesus Christ as your Savior
Guy from Gym: A lil yoga would help
Street boys: Smoke more pot
Driver License Book: Stop driving
Bill Gates: Buy licensed Windows
Boss: That’s not the reason you don’t do your research
Omid: It takes a little time. Review the principles on your mind before you act.
I am so glad that I have Omid as my friend.
You have to believe it’s just not what she thought. It’s just the communication problems. Calm down, and act your age. Remember Omid’s words.
A man gets angry a lot can never succeed.
Painfully modifying thesis now…
well, no matter what, bright future is not far. I am out of here!
The central priciple of time management tells us, however, that the only reason for spending time in this way is if it is nessary for achieving one of our long-term goals. If the only way of earning a living at the moment is by doing a job which we neither value nor enjoy, then it may be necessary to do this, at least for the time being.
When people don’t agree with you, do not spend time convincing them. If you are right, time will tell them. But when they were told by time, you should never say "see, i told u!". Instead, you must forget that u already told them.
This is an interesting test. Imagin my own funeral 3 years from now. What would I like people to say about me? The point of this exersice is not to think about your death, but about the the kind of person you want to be and the kinds of thing you wish to achieve.
Three years from now is far enough away for you to do new things but near enough not to feel remote.
 On my funeral, I would like people to say…
(from Mom and Dad and other family members) He is always our proud. He cares us, from heart and soul. He loves every family members and he is trying to make good relationship with our relatives. He is supportive, mentally and financially. We’d choose him our family member again had we had another chance.
(from Her) He loves me. He proved it. He cares for me, he is forgiving, and he never blames on me (well, at least after he reading that book). He is charming, and fun to be with. He has his own mind and knows what he is doing. Besides that, he gave me lots of help as a true friend.
(from Friends) He is a nice and helpful guy. He is also an honest man, and a real man. He never lets us down. He fights for his life, but smile to the people around him.
(from Boss) He works hard. He showed his creativity and productivity. He is a real asset of my firm. He does everything in a professional and graceful way, even if he disagrees with me. He knows both transportation and computer programming. He could handle a project from scratch and make me satisfied.
(from colleague at work) he is a fun guy. He is warm too because he invites us to his house to BBQ. He plays basketball pretty good and I miss the tennis time with him a lot.
version of 04/26/2006
Got a great book,  Managing Yourself and Your Time: The Mental Fitness Guide
It is an Keep-Fit guild to the mind. It is said to have helped a whole lot of people, and now I wish it could hold a light for me.
So I started this blog today, hoping it could serve as a diary book, going all the way with me, until the day I can’t read or write.

  • Howard Liu: 来自非牌手的评价,是最真实的。不再此山中,有时才能看清庐山真面目
  • Liya: 我觉得关键在于能不能理性的对待这个问题。赌徒赌棍倾家荡产自杀是因为自己心里没数。心里有数了,就理所当
  • sidekick: 希望也可以列出原文的出處及作者名. 原作者看到會好欣慰的!